Principal's Desk

JANTA KOSHI COLLEGE, BIRAUL has been started by the local people and administration. The College established on 15 August 1968. Past 54 years has been the steady progress of the college and today it has became a full - fledged instituion with four thousand students of regular courses and more than two thousands students of Distance mode with forty five staff today. An educational institution can not exists by itself its success is the result of a unifiled effort of the management staff, students and parents. Therefore let us commit ourselves to the noble task of educating the heart, mined and soul of the students under our care.
Our primary aim or goal is hot confirmed to the academic excellance but all about human growth and enduring life fulfillment. Our focus is not future economic properitybut future fuller human life with pease justice and happiness for all. We empower our students to face the challanges and crisis of life with an optimistic attitude, serenity, courage and trust in the Almighty God.
Dear Teachers : Let us we aware that we all passing through a phase of the biggest value crisis, we never faced. The youth of today is in a very delicate situation. It is our moral responsibility to help our students to recognize the right values. Education is a pilgrimage a holy journey with the students, parents, and the Institution. Every child has a spiritual heart, the core self where the divine is presents. So every learner is a temple of God. When we deal with students with this awarness we ourselves will begin to feel vibrations of the divine energy in the entire college campus. The student who is entrusted to our care is holy and innocent and therefore our journey with them must be spiritual. By spiritual, what I mean is this - A loving and kind approach to every students an understanding and a caring approach.
Dear Parents : Your kind Co - operation and assitance in all these matters will ever remain as a complement to our teaching in the college. With the assistance of Almighty God. I trust the college takes every possible step to mould and chisel your ward as a virtous and god fearing person who is intelctually grown, emotionally grown, emotionally mature morally sound and above all spiritually rich. Today the society looks forward to not intellectuals but to individuals endowed which social and moral qualities. Let you're your chiled be one of them who will not only be a doctor, An engineer or a Teacher but also an affectionate child, a loving friend and a mature human being fully active and alive in the society.
Dear Students : Always remember the student period of life is the most beautiful part of a life. A good student has a good time management. He gives priority to his learning. They also give sufficient importance to games and other co- curricuar activities. They enjoy their student life without stress and strain. They have a sound judgement and is open to all realities of life with an optimistic attitude. They deal with the praise and blame, with balanced emotion develop a good safe esteem, and not easily bacome victime to disappointments. There will be movements in their life where they will be exposed to be wider world. their personal achivements and thinks they learned will be put to fire test be of good cheer. Be firm. Hold fast to the values and priciples which have became an invertible part of their personality. Adhere to truth.
Love justice and duty, they should remember "Satya Pareshan ho sakta hai parajit nahi" Truth alone shall prevail "Satya Meva Jayate" So let strive to achieve greater hights.
Our mission is to continue to do what we have always done. Develope this college and the students with intigrity and values; also to give our students the best oppertunities and the best alround education. Our Vission is to produce Conscientious, smart and confident citizens of India who will go out into the world and make us proud !
College protect them from every danger and enfold them in its loving arm. May God Bless you, and all your good efforts and endoeavors.
Dr. Suryanarayan Pandey
Incharge Principal